Christmas Celebration 2011

Christmas Celebration 2011
First time I was introduced to the subculture of the International Institute of R.I.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Field Notes #2

I visited the IIRI Friday of October 25, 2013. This time I visited at around 11:40, way earlier than last time, but it was because I change my work shift with a coworker, because I know the classes Fridays are from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm . Before being able to sit in students' lounge I had to go to Mr. Rahman's office and ask for permission. I have to do so every time I go in the building. This time I had to wait until 12:00 to be able to access the student lounge as that its the time the students get out of class, and she didn't want me in there for some reason. That was perfectly fine with me, as I knew I would get to see the people better from the front  door. While I waited I started talking with the front desk secretaries, who were both Spanish one is from Costa Rica and the other Dominican. I ask them whether the all the professors where American, Bu they answered that there was a mixture, but they didn't specify. As the students stated to run out of the building, I decided to go to the student lounge.
I found myself sitting in a table next to a student, who I assume was working on her homework. From that table I could observe people coming in and out and also had a good view of the teacher's lounge.

What surprised me?
I was surprised because I saw students ranging from 18 years to 50 years old. Also, most of the people getting out of the ESL classes were Spanish speaking. I know because most of them said bye to the secretaries in Spanish as they were leaving.The other few people who said bye in English, but they look like they were Asian or Indian.

What intrigued me ?
I was intrigued when I saw young students who were speaking a  fluent English. It had me wondering whether they were there for something other than an ESL. I saw them around 12:30 , so I  assume they were there for something else, but what? It wasn't until I was about to leave that I realized that they were for the GED class.

What disturbed me?
I haven't seem much that disturbed me really. Only the painting were there is a white guy holding a little African American boy. I think its sort of depicts that Americans are superior over the rest, but that its just my interpretation. That painting makes uncomfortable. Other than that the sad combination of the cream colored walls and the blue floors.

1 comment:

  1. Silvia: You are noticing interesting things, and as an outsider, here's what I can reflect back to you:
    1. Tell me about those Spanish speaking folks. Where do they come from (different places, I assume)? How many different Spanish speaking countries are represented at the IIRI, I wonder.
    2. You say that there are students there ranging in age. I wonder if older folks have a harder time learning English, transitioning in general, than younger people. Perhaps this is something you could work in to your interviews.

    Thank you for your good work! The blog post on your experience moving to the U.S. is moving, wonderful, and a great piece to fit somewhere into your research paper.
