Christmas Celebration 2011

Christmas Celebration 2011
First time I was introduced to the subculture of the International Institute of R.I.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Sometimes in the hopes of wishing things will work out in our favor we forget that in todays world things are just not as easy as we wish. Security is very important in every governmental and non governmental institutions. As I have learned on Friday, when I went to the international institute of RI to get my first field notes. I was thoroughly questions and informed that I couldn't stay in the building until I emailed my proposal to the Education &training director of the International Institute of RI. I wasn't prepared to do so as I didn't have my final proposal revised yet. Now I'm running behind schedule, as I don't have my first field notes. I have learned that I can't underestimate the security system within a place.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the frustration, your obstacle has yielded a bit of success! A very valuable lesson learned about our culture of security, and a very interesting scenario which can definitely kill a page or two of analysis in your final paper. Some of the subcultures in our class projects are much more guarded than others, not without reason though. The way I see it, if a "reporter" were to come in and do a hatchet-job of one of the restaurants our classmates are studying, it wouldn't cause too much of a problem, but some communities such as religious and ethnic ones have a lot to lose from a hit story by someone scrutinizing them whose heart is in the wrong place. We're dealing with ways of life which can help to explain the focus on security. For those of us in these delicate and intimate situations, the best remedy is to tread kindly and carefully, and present ourselves to others as humans first, and fieldworkers second. Keep up the great work and I'll definitely be looking forward to hearing how it turns out!
